Astrology & Horoscope

We are prone to render optimal services to our trainees. Our highly skilled professionals train people with intensive training sessions & powerful techniques. Our team will make sure for you to be aware of ethical responsibilities while dealing with clients who feel particularly vulnerable. Our team will teach you how to have a compassionate attitude towards your customers and will also instruct you the ability to guide your customers, by translating Lunar interpretations into involving and rhetoric in a way customers can understand.

our mission , values & motto
our mission , values & motto

Career Advice

Do you want to have the expertise to interpret career aspects? Here we have the world-class trainers that will provide you with all the information with a delicate balance of skills and sensitivity needed to guide your customers in making their choices. We provide you with insight training and focus on clarity for your customers struggling with their careers. RED PRODUCTIONS conduct identified training for the potential people and gave advisory for the clients on how to overcome any barriers to reaching their goals.


Our trainers have an extrasensory and extended perception of understanding your life and events happening. We train our Readers to have a clear, focused, and accurate approach with a lot of practical considerations through which they entertain each client by explaining customer’s life events through extraordinary spiritual insight. We train people who are pure naturals with top-notch accuracy and empathy.

our mission , values & motto
our mission , values & motto

Psychic Reading

We are seeking world class professional psychic together with the highest moral and ethical standards.Our readers provide you with the answers related to your Love, Relationship, Career and Destiny Our Readers not only give your authentic reading but truly care about client's sentiments and empowered them to take on life's Challenges. We have abilities and dynamics which will enable you to make the correct choices for your life. We render to see a clear picture of problem and attain solutions to resolve them.

Tarot Readers

If you have a keen interest in mysteries and the unknown excites you, We train people who can snapshot one’s life by tuning into their energies. We teach readers to provide the real picture of unseen influences, patterns of behaviors, obstacles, and strengths. Our versatile trainers will instruct you best with the psycho-spiritual abilities. Moreover, RED PRODUCTIONS offers grounds and promotes Tarot Reading as a professional and responsible subject.

our mission , values & motto
our mission , values & motto

Dream Analysis

Our dream readers receives an intuitive picture of the meaning of dream and relays to the dreamer. our readers have accurate hunch, perhaps combined with good psychic vision. They analyze every part of your dream and identify information about their unconscious mind.Our readers identify client's unconscious beliefs, attitude, emotions and project how these patterns will effect client's future. Our readers helps to reprogram the client's unconscious limiting beliefs into more helpful beliefs. We also provide mental and emotional assistance through exploring client's dream.